Find a good book title by description

Book metadata and keywords might seem scary, but theyre really only the words and phrases that you use to describe yourself and your book. The ballad of songbirds and snakes, beach read, all adults here. How to write a good book title the balance careers. You enter your book description when you set up your title and provide your basic book information, called book metadata. If you recently heard a friend describing a great book she was reading, you might want to find that book and buy it for yourself. If its a novel, you can try to write down anything you remember from the plot. This will remove any search results that include a specific word or phrase, if used in quotation marks.

If you dont find the book or author youre looking for in the. Your book description will communicate the essential details of premise, characters, and plot. Just err on the side of brevity if youre at all unsure. A book title needs to dare readers to pick up the book. The most important thing about a book is its title. Through the advanced search, you can find items by searching specific terms such as title, director, actor, genre, etc or you can narrow your focus using our amazing set of criteria parameters. Click to tweet 5 steps to choosing your book title. Coming up with a good book title or book title ideas can be maddening. Comparing it to the titles and meta descriptions on desktop. The basics of book metadata and keywords ingramspark. This tends to be especially true of books driven by one main character.

These tips will help you can find any book with just a vague description of the plot. Oct 16, 2018 the purpose of a good book description. Bookbrowse is a selective website featuring some of the best books published in the past 15 years. If your book is available in different formats physical, audio, keep your keywords and description consistent across formats. Ive compiled some of my best tips and tricks as a reader and former. Your keywords can capture useful, relevant information that wont fit in your title and description setting, character, plot, theme, etc. Keywords are one or more words used to indicate the content of your book. I wrote my first nonfiction book as a labor of love and the book of my heart. Goodreads browseable lists of titles that readers have shelved in. Dont give away anything that adds to the suspense or surprise. How a keyword change in my book title boosted sales 10x. Let readers know what makes your book interesting, and give them a sense of what kind of book it is.

Apr 10, 2020 consider naming the book after the main character. Many novels simply go with the name of the main character. If you find yourself with a double title, the easiest way to fix it is to pick either the main title or the subtitle, and drop the other half. How to find a book without knowing the title or author. How to choose a book title thats perfect for your story and. It can also help if you remember a phrase, quote, or a particular paragraph of the book. If youre stuck for ideas, research the back cover or inner dust jacket flap of books in your genre. Too often, authors will decide on a title that has emotional resonance for them, but they would be better off using specific keywords that will help customers find them more easily. Fiction is cataloged by author and title, not by subject or plot line, which makes identifying books. The more specific the phrase, the better the result. Finding a book when you dont know the title or author. Get tips for how to write a good book description and learn the difference between a long book description and a short book description.

Apr 10, 2020 include a description of your protagonist in the title. How to write the perfect book title ultimate guide scribe writing. Generate a random story title thats relevant to your genre. Stephen king once wrote a short story with a sixword. But thankfully, we no longer have to go it alone because there is an incredible tool called a book title generator that has helped me with just that. Without a good title, people wont pay attention to your book. Not only do readers judge a book by its cover, but they pay particular attention to the title. Mar 16, 2019 currently, the title displayed on mobile has 72 characters, and meta descriptions have 172 characters, which are longer than previously. Book title generator the ultimate bank of 10,000 titles. Members can talk to one another, though the comment threads are sort of poorly.

The book titles suggestion to a cover artist was, and perhaps still is, an aspect that had to be taken into account. How to create the perfect title for your book with pictures. For example, if you like murder mysteries involving the murder of lawyers. The book description, often overlooked as a means to drive traffic to your page, is also a great place to use keywords. Needless to say, if your eightword title works for your novel, go with it. Description entice readers with a summary of the story and characters. But a bad title will almost certainly prevent it from doing well. Shed hoped i could find a book by description and indeed, i didit just wasnt the. If you dont know a book s author or title, tracking it down might prove difficult. Find a book if you dont know the title or author booksrun. Now you can easily find the webpage title for any page on your website. The issue is addressed by the top stylebooks, but the answers vary. Nov 22, 2017 check out selected results from nypl title quest 2019, held august 2, 2019, as well as title quest 2018. Whichbook a new way of choosing what book to read next.

Heres a screenshot of this book, how to sell a truckload of books on amazon. When a search is done by keyword, the author, title, and publisher fields, as well as the full book description, are all checked for possible matches. Your book metadata will consist of basic things such as your title, author name, author bio, book description, publication date, etc. Finding a book without a title or author is tricky. Googles title and meta descriptions length updated 2020. For starters, we classify books based on plot, setting, character, and writing style. This is a very important decision, one you need to get right to ensure your book has the best. How to find a book when you dont know the title or author book. An additional trick is to use the symbol while searching.

How to find a book without knowing the title or author makeuseof. Okay, so now that we have a basic understanding of the key components in book titling, lets get into my stepbystep process in coming up with a good book. The right title helps you stand out and make that important first impression. Or maybe you remember reading a book as a child, but cant remember the title. Think creepypasta and stories you may have heard or told your friends around a campfire or during a sleepover. Mar 31, 2020 in case of a forgotten title or author, you have to remember anything you can use from the book. The title forms the basis of the readers judgment about your book. You can pick between fantasy, crime, mystery, romance, or scifi. A title that relies on a pun, such as the missionary position by christopher hitchens, may be misleading, offensive to some people, and difficult for wouldbe readers to decipher accurately in the absence of supporting book jacket art or a subtitle, which often accompanies a nonfiction title to clarify what the book is about in this example. This is an update of a previous post by sharon rickson. After the title and the book cover, your description is the most important book marketing material. Book descriptions not only tell readers what a books about but help them find it online in the first place. All rules of a normal search apply for instance, for exact searches put it in quotes. Humor these book titles contain more elements which try to make the title odd or funny, and thus reflect the story itself.

The book cover design and illustration has always been an integral part of the marketing process and many fine prizewinning designs have been an essential marketing tool for books in. How to write an unforgettable book title that screams buy me. The webpage meta description is what search engines will display in the search results below your title. When youve arrived at your favourite, take a look at our companion article, practical considerations for your book title. Once your search has produced a list of relevant items, select a way to sort by clicking the sort results by box at the top of the list. The search for a longlost book is a good way to master advanced.

Write down the most memorable thing thats happened in the book thats most likely not in any other book. How to title a book 2020 nyts bestselling book title. Choose the right categories and keywords for your book the. According to research conducted by author, blogger, and speaker michael hyatt, consumers check out a book in the. Oct 10, 2014 how your book title affects your cover. Apr 02, 2015 use keywords in your amazon book description. It can be tough to remember the title and author of a book you read a long time agoeven if it was a book that was really important to you. You can use certain strategies to narrow your search, however.

Sep 12, 2018 how to write a book blurb in 4 steps the opening of your blurb has to be incredibly precise and dynamic, says editor rebecca heyman for a lot of firsttime authors, i think theres an instinct to make sure readers understand everything that happened in the books universe before the beginning of the actual story. It can also persuade an editor to read your manuscript. But if in doubt, always prefer a short title to a lengthy one. People who dislike your genre may dislike your title as well, even if its a good one. Youre able to set your book s metadata when you own the isbn associated with your book, which is one of the many reasons its important to own your own isbn. May 29, 2012 how you handle book titles in your work is a style choice not governed by grammarian law. A straightforward way to record the books youve already read and find new ones you might be interested in. Ive researched, tested, and listed all the best book title generators by genre below. May 18, 2020 the old adage is to never judge a book by its cover. Whichbook enables millions of combinations of factors and then suggests books which most closely match your needs. Tucker has sold over 5 million books as a 4x nyt bestselling author and is the cofounder of scribe. A book description should draw the reader in, but authors tend to get too flowery with these.

How to find a book by description with these tips, tricks. You can even see how i used pickfu to test a book description for the famous book. Now, heres what i learned 4 rules for titling books. One day, you may even move on from your great white whale. Click to open up to 4 sliders and move the to set your choices. If you dont find the book or author youre looking for in the first page of results the chances are its because it is not one that we have featured. Think of titles that mention the main character of the book, or a group of characters. Agent rachelle gardner wrote a very useful post about how to come up with a good name for your book.

The book description goes most prominently on the back cover, and the top of your amazon page. If you dont know a books author or title, tracking it down might prove difficult. Remember that the purpose of your title is to generate curiosity and set a mood. With an active marketplace of over 175 million items, use the alibris advanced search page to find any item you are looking for. How to find a book from a vague description early bird books. Horror these book titles were created with ghost stories in mind. How to write a book description that sells with examples. Can you explain the plot, describe the cover, or know the era, but just cant. It could be the name of a character, a line of dialog, or even basic plot points. You can change keywords and descriptions as often as you like.

If you have written a work of fiction, including something about the main character can help you to create a compelling title. International standard book numbers can be entered in either 10 or digit formats, with or without spaces or dashes. If youre an author, there couldnt be a more useless piece of advice. Finding a book when youve forgotten its title the new york. There are a million things pulling on peoples attention. If your book focuses on the comments or role of one person or narrator, consider using this as a way to draw in your reader. When searching our bookstore, you can sort your search results in the way that is most useful to you by selecting the sort option. Choosing a title for your book is the most important marketing decision you will make. Your book title can make or break the success of your book. Therefore, if you know what kind of book you like, you can find other authors who write similar kind of stories.